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RON THAL Bumblee...Who ? - By Matt Cafissi

Ron ThalRon , first of all tell me about your umpteenth strange cover of your
latest cd called "Uncool" !

hahahahahaha - hello Matt!  Thank you for the interview.  The picture is
Frank (our bassist) slipping on the ground while losing 7 oranges he bought
at a grocery store in Brooklyn.  We had 5 other possible covers for the CD -
you can see them all in the photo "gallery" at

Why don't more solo/albums or the Bumblefoot band is ... the true Ron Thal ?

I will do more solo albums.  I've concentrated on Bumblefoot, and producing,
but I think it's time to release some "guitar music" - I'm working on a CD
with lots of strange fretless guitar in it - should be finished by January

What do you think about the new trend of Guitar & Techno Music ?

The trend started with Marc Pattison - he was doing that for years, and he
kicks ass.  I hope he gets the recognition for it.  I think it's a good
direction (but not the ONLY direction) for guitar music.  I'd like it more if
I was a better dancer.

Do you like the music/videos as seen on MTV ? When Bumblefoot ... on MTV ?

I like some of it - we had some music used on the MTV show Undressed, over
the summer and we just finished a video - maybe MTV will play it?  It's not
my goal to be on MTV - in the US, you have to  become a slave to a major
record label to get recognized, and if the RIAA (organization made of 5 major
labels) doesn't get a piece of your money, they don't want you having success
without them.  All I care about is that you, the GuitarChef readers, the REAL
people get to hear the music and see the video.  That's what makes the
internet so important to independent musicians - it's our communication.

Ron ThalNow you are one of the most important artists of the Vigier Guitars ...

Do you think?  I just try to do my best for them - they're an amazing
company, with so much integrity in what they do.  I'm glad to know them as
friends - not just for their guitars.

The last question : you are very strange and crazy in your music but in
your private life the Ron Thal guitarist is Ron Thal ... guitarist ?

There are many sides to any person - I like to laugh and have fun with
friends, but I also like to be serious and take care of business, I like to
spend quality time with my wife, but I also like to live for music touring,
writing, recording.  I like to be generous and help people when I can, but
when someone tries to screw me in business I hunt them down and eat them.  If
you hear all that in my music - fun and laughter, hard work, love, energy,
kindness, and wrath - then maybe I am Ron Thal the guitarist.  But I feel
that guitar is only 1 thing that we do - it doesn't define everything that we
are.Thank you for the interview.  Give my warmest regards to the wonderful
guitarists of Italy!

PAUL GILBERT King Of Farm - By Matt Cafissi

Paul GilbertPaul , tell me about your last album .
"Alligator Farm" was the fastest I have ever written and recorded an album. It was possible because I was having fun, and writing about things that were happening around me . Almost all of the music was recorded "live" in the studio. Even the guitar solos were mostly one-take live solos! It's so much fun recording this way! I played a Mozart piano sonata using two guitar tracks on the song "Whole Lotta Sonata". I think this is a very interesting song for guitar players to hear.
Why a Shrapnel collaboration if your solo albums are with vocals ?
I have vocals and pop melodies on my solo albums, but there is still lots of intense guitar playing!
I want understand : we know your love for bluesy and Beatles sound and we have listen on last Mr Big albums . Now the new Mr Big (w/Kotzen) plays 70's and a true rock blues ... but your sound is more heavy ... you don't like more the sound of last Mr Big album ?
I love rock/blues guitarists like Robin Trower, Pat Travers, and Frank Marino. I love the incredible songs of The Beatles, Cheap Trick, Queen, and Enuff Z'nuff. And I love heavier stuff like old Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Accept, and Saxon.
Paul GilbertYour official website is very friendly with much strange stories and crazy photos !!! I like it ...
Thank you! I have fun editing it myself. I will have rare sound clips on it soon!
If you back on Mr Big don't forget your solo carrer because i like your solo sound ...
I plan on doing my solo CDs and Racer X for a long time. Both situations are more fun and musically satisfying than anything else I've done!

MICHAEL HARRIS Distorted Ego - By Matt Cafissi

Michael  HarrisMichael , tell me about your last album .

My newest CD, “Sketches From the Thought Chamber”, is a major musical step for me, as it features some fresh new elements of my playing and composition skills, and truly expresses where my mind is at presently : fusing progressive, jazz, and metal influences. As usual, the compositions themselves are more important than the notes within them, and what surfaced here is a “sci-fi soundtrack-ish” sound to many of the tunes, some extremely twisted melodies, two acoustic numbers, several songs with serious grooves, and the most beautiful piece I have ever written, “A Soul’s Torment”.

I have listen a great differences from your first solo CD "Defense ..." at the other solo albums ... the last are more cool with great delay and great vibrato , more melodies ... true songs !

Well thank you. Those are always the 2 biggest compliments anyone can pay me : that I improve from album to album and that the songs and melodies are paramount. The guitar is just a tool of expression to me to get the songs out! Technique is important, but secondary to the music itself.

Do you like Hip Hop , Rap , R & B and other form of this trend as seen
on MTV?

I have watched very little TV at all in months and certainly not MTV. I don’t like to stereotype musical styles. There are 2 kinds of music : good and bad. R&B has always had some exciting elements rhythmically. I’m not even sure what constitutes “Hip Hop” from rap or other styles, and rap has to be considered an entertainment form, but I have not heard any that I would even consider music, as there is no melody.

Michael HarrisThe Archrival project is died ? Why ? This is a great band , you don't know ?

Arch Rival is on hiatus at the moment. Right now I am too musically busy to devote any time to AR, but everyone is gathering ideas and we will record again hopefully. But thank you for acknowledging the band, as I feel we recorded some very relevant music.

Mmmmm ... When you come in Italy for a clinic or concert ...

I’m not much of a “clinician”, but would love to come to your country to play a concert or three !!!

STEPHEN ROSS Back Again - By Matt Cafissi

Stephen RossStephen , why a long delay for the exit of new album ?

When I released my first album, I was young and still living at home. I had to time to practice and write music 10 hours a day or more. When it came time to move out and get some independence, SURPRISE! Things seemed to progress a little more slowly. On top of that, I want this next release to be something I am really proud of. I didn't want to release something just for the sake of releasing it. I wrote large quantities of material after my debut release, but didn't feel it represented where I wanted to go musically.

Which are the differences from the Shrapnel's debut cd ?

Probably the most obvious difference between the new stuff I am writing and the Shrapnel release, is the fact that I am going to be singing on it. Also, I feel I matured a great deal as a guitar player and can communicate much better musically then I could back then.

Do you like the latest work of Satriani ? Do you like the Techno , Jungle , R&B , Hip Hop , Rap and other types of this musical trends as seen on MTV ?

I think Satriani is a wonderful musician. My favorite release of his is "Surfin with the Alien", but anything he puts out is very high quality.To answer part B of this question,  I am not too concerned about judging the music on what style it is, but rather on how well I think it is done. Variety is great and I really like it when there is a large palette of music to choose from. Some of my favorite contemporary artists are Tool, Limp Bizkit, Rage, Disturbed, Soundgarden and Alice and Chains.

Stephen RossIn your opinion , the future of music is ... Internet ?

I think the Internet will play an extremelly important role in the future of music, Napster is a perfect example. The whole idea of file sharing is obviously turning the industry upside down. I think that eventually the Internet will help the bands, especially the ones just starting out, since it puts everyone on a more equal playing field.

Stephen ... we'll wait your new hot Cd ... come on ... !?!?

I am working hard on the new CD and should have it completed by early next year.


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