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VINNIE MOORE Travel In A New Maze - By Matt Cafissi
Vinnie , tell me about your new collaboration with Shrapnel Records .
I will be doing three more records for them. The next will be insrumental and should be released in early 2001. There are also plans to do a vocal project or two.Why a back to the Classical influences ? You don't like the great sound of "Meltdown" and "Out of Nowhere"?I really liked the style of the "Meltdown" and "Out of Nowhere" CD's. But it is important to not repeat the same style over and over. This would be boring for me. The thing that keeps me excited about making records is that I never know what will come out of my head next. I didn't decide to go back to the earlier style, it just kind of happened naturally. I started writing songs and my earlier influences started to come out again.In my opinion "Out Of Nowhere" is a great rock album ...Thank you! This CD is very close to my heart because many of the songs were written about personal things.What do you think of the music business on Internet ? The future is on Web ?
It will be interesting to see what happens in the future. No one really knows what is going on at this point. The future may very well be on the web, but there is much that needs to be organized and figured out. If people are downloading anything that they wish without paying fot it, then eventually there will be no more artists because no artist can make music without getting remunerated for it. This could have a significant impact on our great "artform".Vinnie ... your next album is a continue of "The Maze" or ...Most of the music is finished. So far it has turned out basically in a similar style to THE MAZE but a lot different at the same time. I would say that it is closer in style to Mind's Eye, Time Odyssey, and The Maze than it is to Meltdown and Out of Nowhere.
ROBERTO PRIORI True Passion - By Matt Cafissi
Roberto , prima di tutto parlami di come ti sei innamorato della sei corde .
Ho cominciato a innamorarmi della chitarra attorno ai 10 anni, e a 11 ho iniziato a prendere le prime lezioni di chitarra classica. Dopo un paio di anni però ho capito che l'unica cosa che volevo era imitare il suono dei grandi del rock tipo Blackmore e Page, che io conoscevo bene perché mio fratello ascoltava solo Deep Purple e Led Zeppelin.
A quel punto sono riuscito a farmi regalare una Ibanez imitazione Les Paul nera ( visibile sul mio sito ) che poi cambiai in favore di una vera Fender Stratocaster!Il tuo nome e' saltato alla ribalta da quando sei stato chiamato tra le fila dei famosi 883 , da lì e' nata anche la collaborazione con la Fender ?
In effetti sono stato lontano dal giro musicale Italiano fino a pochi anni fa, perchè per ben 12 anni ho portato avanti un gruppo chiamato Danger Zone, con cui ho registrato anche un disco che doveva uscire negli States, e che mi ha portato a vivere a Los Angeles per due anni dove ho anche firmato un contratto editoriale per realizzare musica strumentale per TV.
Al termine di quella lunghissima esperienza sono ritornato in Italia e ho cominciato a lavorare in piccole cose, pur mantenendo il lavoro della musica strumentale aperto, fino a quando sono stato chiamato ad entrare negli 883.
Chiaramente una esposizione televisiva così massiccia mi ha consentito di ottenete degli endorsment con marchi che io desideravo, e la collaborazione che io avevo con Casale Bauer (distributore di Fender e Johnson) da moltissimi anni si è concretizzata in un rapporto più stretto.Altri Session Man come Massimo Varini , Andrea Braido , Giacomo Castellano etc ... hanno fatto come te , che ne pensi di loro ?
Tutti i nomi da te citati sono quelli di grandi musicisti che stimo molto, poi nel caso di Massimo ci conosciamo personalmente e trovo che sia anche una persona veramente ottima in un'ambiente non sempre molto umano.
Io non amo molto il concetto di Session Player perché ho sempre lavorato in gruppo, dove la alchimia che riesci a creare nasce dal suonare insieme per lungo tempo, cosa che é impossibile da creare quando prepari un tour in 10 giorni senza esserti mai visto prima e fai 10/15 date.
Preferisco le situazioni a medio/lungo tempo, dove hai modo di lavorare quotidianamente sul suono fino a quando non ti senti "dentro" la parteLa prima volta che ti ho sentito Rockeggiare e' stata alla fiera musicale a Rimini e suonavi per la Fender , quei brani che ho sentito saranno anche nel tuo prossimo cd ?
In fiera a Rimini ho suonato due pezzi che saranno contenuti nel CD che sto registrando, però la sostanziale differenza che ora ho registrato tutti gli strumenti "veri", da veri musicisti come Bruno Farinelli e Max Gelsi (batteria e basso di Elisa),
Roberto Drovandi (Stadio), Roberto Ponzio e Beppe Di Marco (Clessidra) e tantissimi altri che mi stanno aiutando.
Penso che quando li proporrò dal vivo, sarà possibilmente con una band e non con le basi, perchè sinceramente non mi piace.
Che ne pensi del panorama dei Session Man come te e come i sopracitati ... soddisfa davvero un musicista come te o e' solo per denaro ?!
Sinceramente credo che tutti vorrebbero imporsi con un proprio progetto e poter diventare "autosufficienti" così come è successo ad Alex Britti, che era anche un session player.
Il problema é che bisogna avere qualcosa da dire...........Pensi che il futuro musicale sara' esclusivamente su Internet nei prossimi anni o ... mesi ?
Io nutro una scarsa stima nelle case discografiche quindi spero in un mondo nuovo (musicalmente parlando) fatto non più di contratti capestro e percentuali ridicole, prezzi al pubblico assurdi che incoraggiano la pirateria e altre assurdità simili.
Alcune major americane stanno lanciando l'S.O.S. sull'imminente fine del sistema discografico classico.
Io penso che internet sarà fondamentale per una distribuzione di musica "alternativa" già nei prossimi 12 mesi,e io stesso forse utilizzerò la rete per vendere il mio disco.
Per la grande distribuzione, forse è ancora presto, la gente compra i luna pop o gli U2 al supermercato assieme al pane o al dentifricio.....chissà...
PASCAL ALLAIGRE Out From Underground - By Matt Cafissi
Pascal , tell me about your last Cd "Out Of Nowhere" (the cover/graphic is great !!!) .
Hi, MATT, well "OUT OF NOWHERE" is my 1st instrumental
cd ( autoproduction ) available in NEW CALEDONIA.
I composed 10 songs, then my friend DAVID CHUVAN did
all the programmations ( drums, bass, keyboards )with
all the parts I told him, then we recorded them, and I
just had to play all the guitar parts( rythm, solos
etc...). For a 1st product that we recorded in a
bedroom, we think production is Okay, and we'll do
better next time !
When I composed "OUT OF NOWHERE", I wanted to explore
different styles, that's why you can hear METAL with
different influences ( HEAVY, SPEED, Medieval, HARD
ROCK,epic oriental songs ),FUSION (Jazz_Rock
a ballad with acoustic on it.
I think it's a good vision of the styles I like.
The experience at GIT Institute ... in your opinion is a great school or is only a trend for modern guitarists ?When I joined G.I.T, the level I had at that time was
perfect to enroll the school.I learned a lot in
and in technique too. G.I.T is not a METAL oriented
school, as many people could think (it was not when I
joined it), but more kind of fusion-jazz-rock
Of course there are Rock and Metal classes, but the
program gives you more an analysis of styles and the
tools to adaptate any situations for improvisation of
solos, and getting rythm parts fitting all style
songs,which is very good to compose too !!!!
my private teacher then was PAUL HANSON and I could
concentrate on my technique to improve my playing !!!
So G.I.T is a good school in general for the
intermediate guitarist.
What do you think about the new Guitar/Techno music of Satch , Buckethead , Jeff Beck ...I didn't listen to those CDs yet, but I can say I'm
not so much into electronical sounds. Let's say it can
add a good effect in a song if it's well used.
But most of all, I can say I love Joe Satriani,for the
genius he has brought to the world of guitar,his
creativity. A new generations of guitarists was born
after he shooked the guitar foundations !!!
The guitar scene around your nation ? Is good or island is a small one ( 200 000 inhabitants !!)
the music scene is very poor, we don't have a lot of
musicians, but we play some lives in the main town of
NEW CALEDONIA which is NOUMEA.But today, the passion
for the guitar seems to developp, as we see young kids
starting playing guitar, taking lessons and work hard
to improve their level. It's stiil difficult to make a
living with music. The good thing is that AUSTRALIA is
very close to us, so we can exchange music, contact
Pascal , tell some suggestions for young guitarists !A good thing is to play regularly ( daily basis ). The
more you have the instrument in your hands, the better
you'll be able to adaptate in different situations (
live playing, exploring different styles...).
Remember that thechnique is good and powerful, but its
better allied is theory and harmony. Thechnique must
serve the knowledge!!!!
work hard, it will pay, results will come for sure!!!!
PAT THOMI Melody Control - By Matt Cafissi
Pat , tell about your latest cd called "Remote Control" .
"Remote Control" is essentially a collection of tunes and songs that showcase
the more guitaristic side of me. There is some pretty wild guitarstuff on
this CD, but you have to look for it . The compositional aspect is still
present. So it's not just a vehicle for guitar solos. A song like "Remote
Control" is loaded with different parts and sounds. It is always important to
me to create colors so that the listener can try to visualize his own
impressions while he or she is listening to the music.Your are not very famous but you have recorded three eccellent solo Cds !
I have actually recorded 4 CDs . The one that I have not released yet is an
orchestral work. Then there is also a CD with compositional excerpts that is
only available on special request to television or film producers. My first
album "Night of the Coral", is essentially instrumental music, very much
like "Remote Control", but not quite as aggressive at times. After that
followed an ambient album called "Fairy tales" that featured acoustic guitars
predominantly. Then earlier this year I released "Remote Control" and am now
working on "Pyramids" another ambient album that should be finished by
December this year. "Pyramids" has some pretty serious acoustic work, again
hidden among sometimes complex sonic soundscapes and intriguing harmony.What do you think about the world of music business on Internet , this is very important for many undreground guitarists .
Essentially I like what's happening on the Internet. The problem I think is
control over copywritten material that is floating around in cyberspace. Some
new laws will have to be written before we can conduct fair business that is
doing justice to all parties involved .Which are the new trends for the next guitar scene ?
Talking about a new trend is difficult because as an artist one has the
tendency to be subjective and not always objective . Most of us are trying to
be original of course and so, maybe create a new trend. A trend is a
combination of either/or sociological and artistic needs. The consumer
creates the need for trends and in return music reinvents itself.Your musical influences (guitarists & other) ?
My musical influences range from classical music to jazz all the way to
rock-and-roll and beyond. Artists that come to mind are for example Hector
Berlioz, a 19th century composer, John McLaughlin , Frank Zappa, Pat Metheny,
Lyle Mays and many others too numerous to mention .Next projects in your ... mind ?
The project that i'm currently working on is called "Pyramids" and is
another ambiant CD. It features predominantly acoustic guitars. The CD should
be finished by the end of the year. After that I am most likely going to
start a vocal project, but it will still contain a fair amount of interesting
guitar work.
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