Produced and Performed By Matt Cafissi .
Recorded and Miixed at Montorzi's Studio by Fabio Montorzi , Matt Cafissi & Emiliano Mammini .
All songs written by Matt Cafissi .Additiional performances by :Emiliano Mammini , Francesco Rossi , Alex Paolillo , Fabio Montorzi .
All Matt Cafissi songs published by GuitarChef Records/MC 01 S.I.A.E. - Distribuited in Italy by Paranoid Records .2-Gunshot5-Walk6-New Cartoon7-Banana Mango 38-Sticky Sweet9-Emotions?!-Extravaganza
"Excellent playing !
The tunes were different from song to song , with varied feels and influences
. I think that is important on an instrumental cd !" "He has a keen sense of
melody and structure . Definitely a force to be reckoned with in the future
!" "Very very cool !" "Great stuff ! From
Tasty to Shred !" "I chose Matt because
he can join melody with experimental music , technique with feeling ... he's
absolutely Great !" "Mr Cafissi raggiunge
l'obbiettivo su cui fallisce il 90% dei chitarristi e cioe' non annoiare
!" "Creativita' e
chitarrismo come protagonisti assoluti in un complesso sonoro !" "Un talento da tenere
in seria considerazione !" "Una volta tanto la
tipica e fastidiosa etichetta di genio melodico italiano si applica in maniera
efficace ad un contesto di chitarra rock !" "Maniaci della chitarra
un'altro pezzo per la vostra collezione !" "Una delle sorprese
piu' interessanti uscite dal panorama underground chitarristico italiano
!" "Brani che colpiscono
subito , non e' da tutti !" |
© 2001 Site Design & Custom Graphics by Matt Cafissi - All Rights Reserved